
I added these:




https://verbumfidelis.substack.com/ (in Portugeuse -- use a translator in your browser)

https://germanicus.substack.com/ (fiction)

I also removed The Blue Scholar --


No offense, but he's Anglican, not Catholic, so cannot be on this list.

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Great work! I can see why you were knighted.

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Got it. Thanks everyone, I will get the list updated in the next few days.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Paul L

Late to the party, but if you decide to add more, I am at The Way of the Wildflowers:


Thank you and God bless!

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I submit mine : https://leilamarielawler.substack.com/

and my husband's : https://pflawler.substack.com/

Please come check us out, and our podcast, On the Home Front https://leilamarielawler.substack.com/s/the-home-front (this appears on both of our substacks!)

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What a beautiful list, and so kind of you to feature my Substack! Though I'm grateful to learn from and alongside my Catholic brothers & sisters, I myself am not Catholic - I just mention this so that I don't incidently take a title that isn't mine. :)

Blessings to you!

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Feel free to put mine in for fiction: https://germanicus.substack.com/

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May I add myself. I'm busy on a novel and figuring out a calling. Not posting much. Plus, re-entering masters degree.

Dr's substack, tèrése Beste.

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Two more for your list: Missio Dei and Saint Tolkien.

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Hi Paul! I’d like to add my Substack: Close to Home. I’m a Catholic Mom of 6, graduate of Notre Dame, writing to evangelize the culture. Thank you for this list--I’ve been looking for my community here!

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Hello! I have a Catholic Substack and would love to be added! https://rosselli.substack.com/

Thanks for doing this!

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My wife Susanna and I are Catholic, and our Substack is called Living with Lady Philosophy: livingwithladyphilosophy.substack.com

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Hi! I'm a Catholic writer on Catholic topics with 2 Substacks:

The Inspired Life https://theinspiredlife.substack.com - spirituality plus The Inspired Rosary podcast

Inspired Angela https://inspiredangela.substack.com - for Catholic communicators including the Catholic Communicators podcast

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I would be honoured if you would include me among these excellent Catholic authors. I’m a Catholic author writing mostly fiction. Though it’s not specifically Catholic, I think it reflects my worldview and faith. 🕊️ <><

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